The Langley Concrete Group Now Selling Filterra Bioretention System
Imbrium Systems has been a great partner for the Stormceptor and Jellyfish Filter product lines. The addition of Filterra to our product portfolio further enhances our ability to provide stormwater treatment solutions for a wide range of project site conditions and regulatory requirements.
The Filterra product is a biofiltration device with components that make it similar to bioretention in pollutant removal and application, but has been optimized for high volume/flow treatment in a very compact footprint. Filterra's treatment performance has been ISO 14034 (Canadian ETV) verified in achieving removal of TSS, Total Phosphorus, and heavy metals in a footprint that is a fraction of the size of traditional bioretention. This makes Filterra the perfect product for highly developed urban sites wishing to implement LID (Low Impact Development) and GI (Green Infrastructure) solutions for stormwater treatment.
For more information, please contact Joel Shimozawa with Langley Concrete (604-533-1656 / jshimozawa@langleyconcretegroup.com) or Ben Farrell with Imbrium Systems (503-333-4138 / bfarrell@imbriumsystems.com) or visit www.imbriumsystems.com.